I Dissent

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“Disagreeable? No. Determined? Yes.”

I’ve always been a fan of RBG, so I really enjoyed reading this book. When I think powerful female, RBG always comes to mind. This book definitely reflected that through the life events that the author chose to focus on.

What was striking, and most definitely dismaying, was the prejudice RBG faced being Jewish. Not only this, but she also dealt with resistance for simply being a woman in a “working man’s world”. The book also touched on the time period — “whites only,” “no Mexicans,” “no Jews.” I was saddened that she grew up in a time period where hatred was so prevalent. I was also disheartened because I realized we are not so far away from that today. Despite all of this, there was a very positive message of perseverance in the face of adversity.

I read this book to my 3 month old son, and I will continue to read it to him until we can discuss this amazing woman together. I want to instill in him a love for all people, and the idea that you can overcome difficulties to achieve your dreams. A great place to start is with books like this.

The Last Kingdom

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I wanted to love this book, but I was kind of bored for the first half. After a certain thing takes place, the pacing of the book sped up and I was a lot more interested.

While I was not fully engaged when reading this book, I was able to appreciate how well written it is. The writing is quite detailed, and I felt like I could imagine what this time in history was like based on the authors obvious knowledge of the time period.

Overall this was a very solid novel. This is not normally a genre that I read, so maybe that had something to do with my enjoyment level. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who likes historical fiction, particularly that set in the Early Middle Ages.

Saga Vol. 6


This installment was not quite of the same caliber I’ve come to expect from Saga, yet it was still very entertaining. Based on previous volumes, i’ve come to anticipate characters/occurrences that are borderline, or straight up, nauseating. This volume was pretty lacking in that department. Am I complaining about this? I’m not quite sure. There also seemed to be a lack of a ‘certain something.’ I can’t put my finger on what that is at the moment, but if I figure it out I’ll let your know! Overall, I enjoyed this volume a lot, but it was missing a little of the usual Saga charm.