Donners of the dead


I was given a copy of this book in advance. Thank you!

The skinny: Eve Smith, a young half-native girl, is requested to be a part of a search party in exchange for a handsome payment. This search party is purportedly looking for a never-returned group of people who had been seeking information on the doomed Donner party. They need Eve, and her well-known tracking skills, to help guide them on their trip. Along the way, Eve, and her friend Avery, quickly realize that all is not as it seems, not only amongst their search party, but also out in the vast wilderness of the Sierra Nevada.

The review:

“Fear was a heavy hand at my back, panic was a breath on my neck”

This book was simply spine tingling good fun!

There is a romance with someone who I imagine to look like this *wiggles eyebrows*:

 photo Hell-on-Wheels_zpse0f31afc.jpg

I was surprised when I was reading and realized that there was going to be a romance, because the love interest, Jake, was kind of a jackass to Eve at first. At the beginning of the story he was quite nasty to her about both being a Native American and a woman. As the story progresses, we hear more of Jake’s history, and some of his past behavior towards her can be seen a little differently. Some people will find his treatment of Eve inexcusable, even after considering his past and the time period in which this story is written. I am not one of those people. I ended up loving the romance and especially the somewhat cheesy ending.

There are also these hella creepy things that might look sort of like so:

 photo Gollum_zps4cca51b7.jpg

These creatures added a very spooky element to the story. I was never quite sure when they were going to pop up, and what horrific thing they were going to do next.

Overall: This story had romance, mystery, creepiness, and action. ALL things that I like, YAY! This was a quick read that held my interest the entire time. I loved it.

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