The Walking Dead, Vol. 3: Safety Behind Bars



The Skinny:

The same crew…sort of…is back. They believe that they have found the perfect place to live; space for everyone, food, and best of all, no zombies! But, as is almost always the case with The Walking Dead, nothing ever goes quite as planned.

My Thoughts:

I will just cut to the chase – Safety Behind Bars has been my favorite. I’m kind of surprised that after three zombie-filled volumes, that these graphic novels still deliver big. I found this installment to be bloodier, more shocking, and overall more edge-of-your-seat than the previous two. I feel that this is quite the feat considering how much I liked the first two volumes.

I think the main reason that this story continues to feel fresh is the introduction of new characters. While there are many characters that have been present in all three volumes, there are also many new additions. These new characters add a lot to the story because there is often a little backstory accompanying there introduction, and because you are constantly wondering if they are f’ing crazy or not.

The story is also helped along by the constant traveling. The characters, thinking they are safe, try to make a home in various places, yet are forced to uproot time and time again. This constant flux in setting serves as another way to keep the story interesting.

Oh, yeah…I can’t not elaborate a teensy bit more on the ‘bloodier’ and ‘more shocking’ aspects. LOTS of killing happens, and not just of the zombie variety. I’m talking fucked-up, did-that-just-happen kind of killing. And, it happens more than once. I will leave you with that.


As I said, this has been my favorite volume thus far. I am impressed that this story continues to shock and interest me. Maybe by the time I get to volume #14 I’ll think differently, but until then – read on!